Character Type |
Status |
Navy | Done, testing in progress |
Marines | Done, testing in progress |
Army | Done, testing in progress |
Scouts | Not started |
Merchants | Not Started |
Other | Not Started |
Other character generation systems from various publications including the alien modules will also be incorporated into the libraries.
Some of the basic structure has been started. I am gathering stuff I've written over the years in a smattering of languages (Perl, Assembler (yes! assembler!), C, BASIC, etc.) and converting it all to well structured (I hope) C++ code.
Extentions to the star system generation code will include the Scouts book, MegaTraveller, and the World Builder's Handbook.
My intent is to create a GUI in the manner of the TAS forms published in various suppliments and publications. These will be developed using the GTK+ toolkit.
There are two forms of data persistance that are being investigated:
A side project I am considering building is a series of SOAP based web services that will be installed on my private web server. The sources for this will be made available for others to use.